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Mildred tries to tell the truth to Gwendolyn in the hospital - Ratched (1x06)
Mildred and Gwendolyn didn’t deserve what happened to them 
mildred ratched 1x08 scenes (720p)
Mildred x Gwendolyn | Wasted Youth (Fletcher) | 1x06
Mildred and Gwendolyn Train Wreck ( James Arthur)
Mystery of love // Mildred and Gwendolyn (Ratched)
Mildred & Gwendolyn
Execution of Edmund Tolleson as narrated by Nurse Betsy Bucket
mildred ratched & gwendolyn briggs’ love | ratched (2020- )
Mildred & Gwendolyn -You broke my heart again
Mildred e Gwendolyn 💝 | Ratched
Ratched// milderd & gwendolyn